Tout de Sweet (The Pastry Shop) preview photos!

Two blog posts in a day, that's right!  It is only because I am so excited to post two photos from Tout de Sweet.  Our final project for Intro to Photography is to produce 3 photos that revolves a certain theme.  He told us that the photos should mean something to us, should resemble something that we'd put in our portfolios after we graduate.  I thought a lot about this and when I was done thinking, I knew that I wanted to photograph the lovely little pastry shop that I found after starting at WSP...the place I walked by twice a week where I'd pick up a few macaroons here and there.  Most of all, I go in just to marvel at the lovely colors of the macaroons and the simple but classic decor of the shop.  Oh yeah, it's more than beauty - everything I've had there (from an iced latte to many flavors of macaroons and their cakes) are DELICIOUS.

The owners of the shop, Sofia and Jerome, kindly allowed me the opportunity to photograph them and their store, and that's how I got to spend a great hour at Tout de Sweet!  Thank you so much, Tout de Sweet!  More photos to come :)



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