When it was winter time, I complained about how cold it was and how often I slipped on the slushy snow/ice and I prayed for warm weather...and now that it is summer, I can't get over how hot and humid it is. Why is grass always greener on the other side? I can't let myself be a whiner all the time, so I'm really going to try to enjoy the summer! It's really really hot right now but at least we get to go outside and play. Here are several reasons why SUMMER IS GREAT:
When else can you have a water balloon fight?!

FYI: 400 water balloons...is seriously not enough :p

Summer = fresh produce!!!

Summer also means you get to celebrate Independence Day with fireworks, bbq, and friends/family!
uh oh - kind of blurry

hmm...slightly better

Finally, fireworks :)

It also means grapes on vines!

and who can resist jumping for joy when you're in the vineyard?

and lastly...it also means you can afford to get off the wrong metro station (...because the metro operator announced the wrong stop and you realized too late) without completely freezing your butt off!
ENJOY YOUR SUMMER!!! Hopefully more to come!
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