
I realized I haven't posted very many pictures on what was supposedly a photography blog and instead have really flooded it with my "random" rants, haha. So in an effort to redeem myself a little bit, I decided to post a couple of photos that I really like that I took in the past year...

Today's exciting news: Flickr has new features! Photos are bigger and now it's easier to navigate. If you have a flickr account, then make sure to check it out.

Gorgeous flowers @ A + D's wedding :)

DC OPEN MD Finals.

If you know me, then you know that I love wineries..not for the wines but for the landscape...I love them even when there are no grapes haha.

Took this when I was on a Chinatown bus towards NYC one night...not the most perfect circles but I like it :)

Santa Barbara, CA will forever and always have a special place in my heart! I miss it!

Hopefully I'll have more photos to post once I work out of my ridiculous backlog of photos...eeek.


  1. Po!
    Your photography skills are getting better and better. Can I book you for all my family's future events? Haha. I'll pay you with love and FOOD. :D Love Ya!


  2. Wow, those are great shots Po!! Keep 'em coming!



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