As you can see by the post title, this is going to be a "variety" post.
1) To say that today was a boring day is an under statement. Most people in the office were still out, trapped inside a cubicle after a fun Christmas was kind of sad...AND it rained pretty much all day. Got poured on when I left work but when I got off the metro, there was this rainbow...and the best part was you can see the complete arc. I only had the 50mm with me, so I had to rely on the iphone and later used photoshop to stitch two instagram photos together. A super boring day turned into a neat one because of the rainbow :)
2) THEN I got the Christmas package that my sister mailed me today. It is the most thoughtful present ever! I love it. Thank you, Yings. Good luck on your apps!!!
3) All right, so I have been promising photos from South Africa. I realize that it's going to take a LONG time for me to post all the ones I like and tell you what we did, so I decided to make a highlight collage for each day. Today I'll do Day 1 and Day 2, we'll see how this goes. HAHA.
I think I've been productive enough tonight. Good bye!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I need to start making a list of resolutions for 2012!
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