I must have said it a lot on this blog and I will say it again, I love Takoma Park! I love the neighborhood, I love my neighbors who bbq with me, I love that I have a Farmers' Market half a block away from me YEAR ROUND and that there's a hardware store just around the corner...now there's one more thing to love about Takoma Park. TROHV! As a crazy fan who reads Apartment Therapy, Etsy, a bunch of home decor blogs daily or maybe twice-daily, I was so excited when I found out that a vintagey modern home good store was taking over the empty ugly lot across from CVS. Also, you have no idea how thrilled I was when the ugly exterior of the building was finally painted a beautiful tint of slightly greyish blue when TROHV arrived!!!
I've visited the store now a handful of times since it opened and every time I go in there, I am in awe of what the owners have done to the place. How is it that a hugeeee lot, filled with tons of different things: cards, vintage bottles, furniture, kitchen items, cook books, quilts, baby clothes, bowling pins (!), etc etc (the list seems endless), be organized in such a way that makes sense and above all, beautiful, comfortable, artistic, and inspiring.
Yesterday, to celebrate their grand opening, TROHV had a party! It was great to see tons of people from the community enjoying good food and good music for the occasion. Here are some photos!
The dessert table was amazing.
And ladies and gentlemen, I became a believer of cake pops last night. I thought they were a phony fad, but nope, after having one it all made sense - it's the perfect and un-messy way to have a little bit of cake and frosting!!! They are delicious, why didn't someone think of that sooner? And you know, photographing cake pops were tough, I can't seem to get the focus quite right...but here are my attempts anyways!
The band was awesome!
Here's one of the band's many little cute fans that day.
And what's a party without icy beers in buckets!! :)
If you haven't been to TROHV and are a fan of vintagey and modern things, go check it out. This is not a paid advertisement so you can trust me :)
And lastly, here's to TROHV, congratulations and I hope you guys will stay around for a longggg longgg time.

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