I'm Thankful For...

So this "I'm Thankful For..." post was originally for Thanksgiving, but when I opened up my computer that morning at my parent's house, my laptop decided not to turn on anymore. So if you're wondering why I haven't been blogging at all, then there's your answer :p

Despite the fact that my laptop is broken, I still have tons to be thankful for and it's never too late to write these things down. We all need to count our lucky stars every once in a while to remind us not to be brats!!

Here's the list that I made in my head on Thanksgiving Day:

I'm thankful that:
  • my laptop broke after I completed all my telework days in CA
  • I could afford to buy another laptop if it is un-fixable
  • I have a loving family and that my dad is the best cook ever!!!
  • my sister is one of my best friends even though she can be kind of mean, especially when she is driving - her road-rage might be unbeatable
  • I have loyal, funny, and fatty friends. And NOTHING beats funny/loyalty/fatty in my book; you know that
  • I have a job I like..maybe not love..BUT despite all my complaints, I still enjoy it...and hey, it allows me to buy camera stuff
  • I have somebody pretty awesome/funny/(maybe not as smart as me, ha!) to eat fruit and cool whip with :)
Now onto some photos!

We had our first snow in the area on Friday, December 10!

Temperatures have been dropping like crazy. This morning, when I looked outside, the parking lots and roads were covered with a layer of snow!! Did the Weather Service warn us?! I can't remember.

Took these photos on the way to work...maybe it's too early. Looking at some of these, I'm not really sure what I was focusing on..hmm.

On a separate topic..here's a recent photo that I really like...I wish the power lines weren't there!

All right, everybody. If I don't get a chance to blog again before the holidays, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!


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