Despite the fact that my laptop is broken, I still have tons to be thankful for and it's never too late to write these things down. We all need to count our lucky stars every once in a while to remind us not to be brats!!
Here's the list that I made in my head on Thanksgiving Day:
I'm thankful that:
- my laptop broke after I completed all my telework days in CA
- I could afford to buy another laptop if it is un-fixable
- I have a loving family and that my dad is the best cook ever!!!
- my sister is one of my best friends even though she can be kind of mean, especially when she is driving - her road-rage might be unbeatable
- I have loyal, funny, and fatty friends. And NOTHING beats funny/loyalty/fatty in my book; you know that
- I have a job I like..maybe not love..BUT despite all my complaints, I still enjoy it...and hey, it allows me to buy camera stuff
- I have somebody pretty awesome/funny/(maybe not as smart as me, ha!) to eat fruit and cool whip with :)
We had our first snow in the area on Friday, December 10!
Took these photos on the way to work...maybe it's too early. Looking at some of these, I'm not really sure what I was focusing on..hmm.

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