I tried to think of a clever title and couldn't...so if anyone has any ideas what "???" should be, please let me know. I remember hating poetry when I was growing up, especially when we had to write papers about them in our high school English classes, so I am not sure when I actually started enjoying poetry. But anyways. My best buddy Jamada (not his real name) is getting married very soon *ahhhh* and he asked me to select and read a poem during the ceremony. Soooo...I went on a hunt and read a lot of lovey dovey poems hoping to find one that is suitable for the soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. Jamadas. I finally found one and I think it fits them. YAY.
I believe that good poems ought to be shared, so here's one of the poems that I really liked but did not get selected for the ultimate prize. I really like this one because when I think of love or a loving relationship, I believe both people should feel 100% comfortable being who they are, not feeling as if you are walking on eggshells being a certain way...not having to disguise your true self. The person should love you and embrace you for who you really are, good and bad. Really. And I don't think this only applies to "relationshipy" love...it goes for good friendship and family relationships too. Anyways...enjoy :)
Good night.
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