DC Cherry Blossoms (Part 1)

I finally got to see the Cherry Blossoms at its peak! The NPS said that peak bloom, which means more than 70% of cherry blossoms are in bloom, would occur on March 31st. I got to see the sunrise on April Fools Day at the Tidal Basin(!), took photos with my film slr, and found out that I really didnt't know how to use that camera because almost 100% of those photos turned out pretty crappily. The cherry blossoms were sooo pretty in the morning though, I finally understand why photographers get up before sunrise, the lighting is awesome. I got a second chance to go back out after work that day with my digital :) But by then, my favorite flower buds in the morning had bloomed, and my favorite blossoms had fallen off :( Goes to show that sometimes we really only get one chance!

Here are some photos:

Two really nice people by the tidal basin lend me their tripods for a little while, so I got to experiment with night photography. People who say tripods are useless are clearly wrong because my hand-held night shots were all blurry.

That's all for now. Must go to bed. Good night. More to come.


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